Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Getting off the Obamarama: Hey Buddy, Got Any Hope?

In 2008, on the edge of a massive financial crisis, in the midst of 2 wars and with Americans questioning what it really means to be an American - do we sacrifice liberties, and if so how many and how much, to guarantee our safety? - stepped a tall, cool, collected man who aspired himself, I'm sure, to give us Hope again.

This week, the same man invited us to a public debate as to whether we should allow the warrantless search and seizure of personal information to protect our safety, and this is where I, personally, have to get off the Obamarama.

Because regardless of what the public wants to do with the Fourth Amendment in the future, the NSA cannot convincingly argue in any way that what it did was Constitutional.  And this isn't the first violation: earlier in the cool, calm man's term, we learned about the secret, extrajudicial remote-assassination of American citizens.  And of course, there are still prisoners languishing, suffering, dying slow, torturous deaths without judicial oversight in Guantanamo bay - which is a violation of treaties the US has entered (have a look at the Geneva Conventions), which is itself a part of the Constitution (see Art. IV, cl. 2) and therefore the Supreme Law of the Land.

The cool, calm, collected President knows all this; he was a Constitutional law professor, after all.  But rather than having invited all of us into a public discussion about liberty and safety, and sought the guidance of the public or even the other two Branches of the Government on these issues, for the past 5 years he has operated in secret, upon his own individual judgment.

I do not doubt the difficulty of being President.  I do not doubt the difficulty of raising serious, meaningful debate in the current political climate.  I do not doubt the difficulty that these questions of liberty and safety pose: I have just graduated law school, and I am aware if only distantly of the vast complexity of this issue, perhaps more so than the general public because of my legal education.

But I'm sorry, Mr. Obama, you are not and never were "Hope." You are not and never were "Change." You were nothing but the same.

If Dick Cheney was responsible for reintroducing the Imperial Presidency, you, sir, took the idea and ran with it.

Can you, Mr. Obama, in all good conscience imagine that Mr. Washington, or Mr. Lincoln, would do as you have done? Mr. Lincoln, I know, violated the Constitution at times in order to preserve the Union, but... his war was not anything like this one. His war had a definite end, either reunification or surrender.  Mr. Lincoln knew that his suspensions of Habeas Corpus, for example, was temporary. Our war, this "war on terror," it doesn't have a definite end now, does it? It has no definite enemy: I mean, how can you fight an emotional reaction? That enemy may even be American citizens, at least nominally - look at the Boston bombers, for example.

Actually, sir, LOOK CLOSELY AT THE BOSTON BOMBERS. I want you to pay attention, in particular, to the fact that solid, LEGAL, CONSTITUTIONAL police-work caught one of them, and solid, LEGAL, CONSTITUTIONAL American justice will see that he is justly punished - who knows, maybe even rehabilitated? 

My point is, Mr. Obama, that for a Constitutional Law professor, you seem far too eager to treat "the war on terror" as a WAR, where restrictions on action are cumbersome and may need to be discarded to achieve a victory, rather than what it is: CRIME, where restrictions are necessary to achieve justice. Maybe you got stuck in "war-mode" because 8 years of Bush/Cheney sculpted executive policy that way, but you still didn't have to agree with it, you could have changed that policy to make, oh I dunno, legal, constitutional, or even vaguely "just."  You could have exposed what your predecessor was doing, you could have engaged the public in debate, you could have engaged Congress in debate, you could have, in short, TRUSTED YOUR FELLOW AMERICANS. I know that if you follow what's trending on Twitter we seem like incompetent morons, but YOU COULD HAVE GOTTEN US TO MAKE PRISM LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL if you had in any way presented a convincing case to the public.  Seriously, we scare easily, you could have gotten your warrantless surveillance without too much difficulty.  Sure, "rights" nuts like myself might join forces with tea party nuts to raise a stink, but convince the average Joe the surveillance is needed to prevent a bomb going off and I wouldn't be here, typing this.

But you didn't.  I don't know why you don't trust your fellow Americans to discuss these things and decide what to do.  I don't know what dastardly plots you prevented through PRISM.  Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.  You broke the law.  You violated the Constitution.  You did exactly what Bush/Cheney did, exactly what I and (I think) so many thousands of millions of citizens wanted our government to STOP doing.

So why, I must ask, are you repeating it? Do you seriously think any judge can in good conscience is going to take a look at the evidence that flowed from an utterly unreasonable, warrantless search or seizure and just go with it? I mean, I've seen opinions where its obvious the judge chose an outcome and found the reasoning to justify it, but even these ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW, a fundamental safeguard of justice, rights and democracy, and something you apparently don't feel necessary any more. And you do know, of course, that if the original search/seizure was unconstitutional, than the evidence flowing from it is inadmissible (absent other ways to find it), which means the prosecutors case against these individuals goes belly-up. You're giving these criminals who are plotting to blow us up Get-Out-of-Jail-Free cards! 

Modesty prevents me from uttering the words I'd actually like to say here.

Mr. Obama, you have completely lost my support.  I can no longer in good conscience support anything you do.  Nor do I feel any more desire to vote for your party, which obviously does not adequately represent anything like my political values.  In fact, I must be frank: you have dashed what tiny, little incandescent Hope I had back in 2008 that a political leader would emerge to restore my country. 

Not only have you further proven our enemies' point that Americans are valueless, immoral, unjust and capricious idiots with lots of weapons to make you fall in line, you have proven to me never to trust an elected official to abide by the oath he swore to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, apparently because the Constitution's greatest enemy at this point appears to be American politicians eager to ignore it when convenient and trot it out as evidence of our "specialness" when we need to look good. You have made our Founding Document a joke.

I do not, and never will, pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. I WILL and DO pledge allegiance to the republic for which it stands, by which I mean the human and civil rights and democratic values specified in the Constitution of my country, as well as my fellow Americans themselves.  But if a flag could truly represent those things, Mr. Barack Obama, you have stained, soiled, torn and shat on it, sullying it in the eyes of the world.  I had hoped you would restore the dignity of that piece of cloth: clearly i and many others like me wasted our votes.

I am normally proud to be an American; this week, I am ashamed.

And that is your fault, Mr. President. It is your fault.