Friday, August 3, 2012

I want you.

I want you and I want to buy you a Belgian Tervuren puppy.  I want you and I want a house in the country with loads of animals.  I want you and I want to buy you an SUV even though the idea disgusts me.  I want you and I want to have a daughter with you.  I want you and I want to be your son's "Dad."

I want you and I want a future with you.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

You're asking so much of me, and expecting it to be of little consequence.

How dare you?  I mean, really how dare you?  I bet my life on this hand, and you dealt me a pair of twos.  I'm hoping against hope y'all got nothing better, because I've bet my stack on this hand.  I have nothing left.  There is no come back.  It's all down to this.

But you expect me to play my hand no matter what.  You know the chips are down, you know I'm fucked if I lose, but you expect me to play this hand.

Fuck you.  Fuck you all to hell, you motherfucker.  Why didn't you deal me something slightly better?

Because I've got a stone where my heart should be.  And it hurts like you wouldn't believe.  I've been beat up a thousand times, and this is what you give me: a stone.

And I still have to make it beat.